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Claas Gerjets

Tax consultant · business graduate

Phone: 07631 / 3675 - 0


Mr. Claas Gerjets, born in 1966, studied business administration with a focus on taxes and finance at the Fachhochschule Osnabrück from 1991 to 1994. He then worked for several medium-sized tax consulting and auditing firms in Bremen and Würzburg, and was appointed as a tax consultant in March 1999. Since March 2008, Mr. Gerjets has been a partner in Dr. Schwarzkopf + Gerjets Partnerschaft mbB Steuerberatungsgesellschaft.


The focus of his professional activities is on active, comprehensive support and advice for medium-sized companies and their shareholders as well as private individuals. In this context, both tax and business management advice and the development of solutions to complex tax issues play a major role.

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